مقالات بر حسب مجله

مقالات بر حسب مجله

»» مجلات » Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine « دوره 9، شماره 3

  1. Hormonal treatment for endometriosis associated pelvic pain
    Wu Shun Felix Wong, Chi Eung Danforn Lim
  2. GnRH antagonist versus agonist in normoresponders undergoing ICSI: a randomized clinical trial in Iran
    Tehraninejad Ensieh, Ghahghaei Nezamabadi Akram, Rashidi Batool, Sohrabi Maryam, Bagheri Maryam, Haghollahi Fedyeh
  3. Effect of benzene extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves on cauda epididymal spermatozoa of rats
    Ahmed Mukhtar, Nazeer Ahamed R, Ahmed G Ghodesawar Mukhtar,H Aladakatti Ravindranath
  4. Icodextrin reduces adhesion formation following gynecological surgery in rabbits
    Khani Behnaz, Bahrami Nahid, Mehrabian Ferdous, Naderi Naeni Hormoz
  5. Correlation between the level of cholesteryl ester transfer protein in follicular fluid with fertilization rates in IVF/ ICSI cycles
    Mehdizadeh Amir, Rahimipour Ali, Farzadi Laya, Darabi Masoud, Shahnazi Vahideh, Shaaker Maghsod, Vatankhah Amir-Mansour
  6. Diagnostic value of saline contrast sonohysterography comparing with hysteroscopy for detecting endometrial abnormalities in women with abnormal uterine bleeding
    Karimzadeh Mohammad Ali, Goharzad Farzaneh, Dehghani Firouzabadi Razieh
  7. Successful pregnancy following the transfer of vitrified blastocyst which developed from poor quality embryos on day 3
    Xiao-jian Zhang, Ye-zhou Yang, Li-hua Min, Qun Lv, Pin Bai, Xiao-jie Li, Mei-xu Liao
  8. Maturation capacity, morphology and morphometric assessment of human immature oocytes after vitrification and in-vitro maturation
    Nazari Saeedeh, Esmaielzadeh Forouzan, Mohsenzadeh Mehdi, Khalili Mohammad Ali
  9. Antifertility activity of aqueous ethanolic extract of Hymenocardia acida stem bark in female rats
    Abu Adakole Hyacinth, Uchendu Chukwuka Nwocha
  10. High plasma homocysteine and insulin resistance in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome
    Hemati Tayebe, Moghadami-Tabrizi Nasrin, Salmanian Bahram, Javadian Pouya, Davari-Tanha Fateme
  11. Cotherapy of Tiron and selenium against vanadium induced toxic effects in lactating rats
    Shrivastava Sadhana, Joshi Deepmala, Bhadauria Monika, Shukla Sangeeta, Mathur Ramesh
  12. Evaluation of the effect of oral ritodrine on implantation rate in in-vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
    Rabiee Soghra, Farimani Marziyyeh, Ahmadi Maryam
  13. How should painful cystic degeneration of myomas be managed during pregnancy? a case report and review of the literature
    Tae-Hee Kim, Hae-Hyeog Lee
  14. Tubo-ovarian abscess in a virgin girl
    Ashrafganjooei Tahere, Harirchi Iraj, Iravanlo Giti