مقالات بر حسب مجله
»» مجلات » International Journal of Environmental Research « دوره 3، شماره 4
- Biological Immobilization of lead from lead sulphide by Aspergillus Niger and Serpula Himantioides
Adeyemi A.O. - Comparative Research of Survey Results on the Usage Patterns of Traditional Garden between Japan and Austria
Ishiuchi T., Koyanagi T., Kuwahara Y., Yonekura T. - Urban Expansion Simulation Using Geospatial Information System and Artificial Neural Networks
Pijanowski B.C., Tayyebi A., Delavar M. R., Yazdanpanah M. J. - Effects of Treated Municipal Wastewater and Sea Water Irrigation on Soil and Plant Characteristics
Ahmed T. A., Al-Hajri H. H. - Biokinetics of Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Waste
Nwabanne J. T., Onukwuli O. D., Ifeakandu C.M. - Specific Indoor Environmental Quality Parameters in College Computer Classrooms
Chang F. H., Li Y. Y., Tsai C. Y., Yang C. R. - Forest Dependency and Its Implication for Protected Areas Management: A case Study From Kasane Forest Reserve, Botswana
Lepetu J., Alavalapati J., Nair P. K. - Performance of Biofilter for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulphide Odour
Rehman Z. U., Farooqi I. H., Ayub S. - Pollution Migration Study in Subsurface Environment
Sadashiva Murthy B.M., Ramesh H.S., Mahadevaswamy M. - Adsorption of Phenol on Granular Activated Carbon from Nutrient Medium:Equilibrium and kinetic Study
Dabhade M. A., Saidutta M.B., Murthy D.V.R. - Optimization studies in an Inverse Fluidized Bed Bioreactor for Starch Wastewater Treatment
Rajasimman M., Karthikeyan C. - Artificial Neural Network Modeling of an Inverse Fluidized Bed Bioreactor
Rajasimman M., Govindarajan L., Karthikeyan C. - Characterization and Risk Assessment Studies of Bed Sediments of River Adyar-An Application of Speciation Study
Venugopal T., Giridharan L., Jayaprakash M. - Microbial Degradation of Natural Rubber Latex by a novel Species of Bacillus sp. SBS25 isolated from Soil
Cherian E., Jayachandran K. - Removal of Zn+2 ions from aqueous solution using Anabaena variabilis: Equilibrium and Kinetic studies
Gaur N., Dhankhar R. - Hydrogeochemistry Of Thirumanimuttar Basin: An Indication Of Weathering and Anthropogenic Impact
Vasanthavigar M., Srinivasamoorthy K., Vijayaragavan K., Rajiv Ganthi R., Chidambaram S., Sarama V. S., Anandhan P., Manivannan R., Vasudevan S. - An Investigation on the Efficiency of Electro kinetic Coupled with Carbon Active Barrier to Remediate Nickel Contaminated Clay
Saeedi M., Jamshidi A., Shariatmadri N., Falamaki A. - Estimating Temporal and Seasonal Variation of Ventilation Coefficients
Ashrafi Kh., Shafie-Pour M., Kamalan H. - Effects of noise pollution on traffic policemen
Omidvari M., Nouri J. - Improring the performance of Pars Oil Refinery Wastewater Treatment System
Hassani A.H., Otadi N., Javid A.H., Khiabani F.F., Hoshyaripour G. - Recycling of Used Bottle Grade Poly Ethyleneterephthalate to Nanofibers by Melt-electrospinning Method
Rajabinejad H., Khajavi R., Rashidi A., Mansouri N., Yazdanshenas M. E. - Total Dissolved Solid Modeling; Karkheh Reservoir Case Example
Etemad-Shahidi A., Afshar A., Alikia H., Moshfeghi H. - Evaluating the Recovery Potential of Solid Wastes
Sadugh M.B., Jalili Ghazizadeh M., Pezeshk H., Jalili Ghazizadeh V.