مقالات بر حسب مجله

مقالات بر حسب مجله

»» مجلات » Shiraz E Medical Journal « دوره 11، شماره 2

  1. Lamivudine Resistance in Iranian Chronic Hepatitis B Patients
    Fallahian F, Alavian SM, Kayvani H, Alaeddini F, Zamani F
  2. Etiology and Drug Resistance Pattern of Osteomyelitis Associated with Combat-Related Injuries in Iraqi Patients
    Rahbar M, Blackwell N, Yadgarinia D, Mohammadzadeh M
  3. Is life Easier and More Pleasurable After Total Hip Arthroplasty?
    Motififard M, Naseri M, Panahi F, Teimouri M
  4. Delusional Disorder: Clinical and Demographic Features and Outcome
    Goreishizadeh MA, Farnam AR, Mortazavi A, Farhang S
  5. Assessment of Maternofoetal Transfer of Antitetanus Immunoglobulin G in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos
    Adabara Nasiru Usman, Kandakai-Olukemi Yvonne Tawolo, Enenebeaku Maximus Nwafor Onuorazom,Daru Patrick Haruna
  6. QT Interval: The Proper Measurement Techniques
    Basamad Z
  7. Nicolau Syndrome Caused by Penicillin Injection a Report From Iran
    Alyasin S, Sharifian M
  8. A Case of Type 1 Gaucher’s Disease Associated with Nonhodgkin Lymphoma
    Eishi Oskuie A, Valizadeh N, Ilkhanizadeh B