مقالات بر حسب مجله

مقالات بر حسب مجله

»» مجلات » Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research « دوره 12، شماره 1

  1. Comparative Analysis of Life Quality in Mothers after Cesarean Section and Normal Vaginal Delivery
    B. Torkan, S. Parsay, M. Lamieian, A. Kazemnezhad, A. Montazeri
  2. Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and Outcome of Labor in Primipara
    N. Khoda Karami, A. Safarzadeh, N. Fathizadeh
  3. The Effect of Music Therapy on Patients’ Blood Pressure in Endoscopy Unit in Bou-Ali hospital, Ardebil
    Z. Tazakori, F. Amani, M. Karimollahi
  4. Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making in Nurse
    Sh. Salehi, M. Bahrami, S.A. Hosseini, K. Akhondzadeh
  5. Evaluating the Effect of Exercise on the Postpartum Quality of Life
    P. Bahadoran, F. Abbasi, A.R. Yousefi, M. Kargarfard
  6. A study of the Severity of some Occupational Stresses in Nurses
    T. Mehrabi, N. Parvin, M. Yazdani, N. Asman Rafat
  7. Epidural Painless Delivery: A Phenomenology Research
    R. Hasanzahraei, N. Mehran, N. Fathizadeh, H.A. Abedi
  8. Parental Attitudes of Female Students toward Child-Parent Interactional Behavior
    Kh. Tavakol, H. Naji, N. Saberi