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Crocin Bleaching Assay Using Purified Di-gentiobiosyl Crocin (a-crocin) from Iranian Saffron
Bathaie Seyedeh Zahra, Zadeh Kermani Fatemeh Moghadas, Shams Azam
Molecular Analysis of A2-genes Encoding Stage-specific S Antigen-like Proteins among Isolates from Iranian Cutaneous and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Farahmand Mahin, Atashi Shirazi Hasti, Nahrevanian Hossein, Hajjaran Homa
The Role of the Endocannabinoids in Suppression of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis Activity by Doxepin
Hassanzadeh Parichehr, Hassanzadeh Anna
Anti-inflammatory, Antipruritic and Mast Cell Stabilizing Activity of Aristolochia Indica
Elizabeth Mathew Jessy, Keloth Kaitheri Srinivasan, DinakaranVachala Seekarajapuram, Jose Magi
Effect of Hydroalcoholic and Buthanolic Extract of Cucumis sativus Seedson Blood Glucose Level of Normal and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Minaiyan Mohsen, Zolfaghari Behzad, Kamal Amin
Comparison of Enzymatic Method Rapid Yeast Plus System with RFLP-PCR for Identification of Isolated Yeast from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Moallaei Hossein, Mirhendi Seied Hossein, Brandao Joao, Mirdashti Reza, Rosado Laura
Synthesis of Novel 4-[1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-5-imidazolyl] Dihydropyridines and Studying their Effects on Rat Blood Pressure
Mohajeri Seyed Ahmad, Hosseinzadeh Hossein, Salami Sara, Motamedshariaty Vahidehsadat, Seifi Mahmoud, Hadizadeh Farzin
qnr Prevalence in Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamases (ESBLs) and None-ESBLs ProducingEscherichia coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in Central of Iran
Pakzad Iraj, Ghafourian Sohbhan, Taherikalani Morovat, sadeghifard Norkhoda, Abtahi Hamid, Rahbar Mohammad, Mansory Jamshidi Neda
Bilateral Variability of the Quadriceps Angle (Q angle) in an Adult Indian Population
Raveendranath Veeramani, Nachiket Shankar, Sujatha Narayanan, Priya Ranganath, Rema Devi
Protective Effect of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) on Morphometric and Morphologic Alterations of Seminiferous Tubules in STZ Diabetic Rats
Golalipour Mohammad Jafar, Kabiri Balajadeh Babak, Ghafari Soraya, Azarhosh Ramin, Khori Vahid
Evaluation of Antidepressant-like Effect of Citrus Maxima Leaves in Animal Models of Depression
Potdar Vikram H, Kibile Swati J