مقالات بر حسب مجله
»» مجلات » Iranian Biomedical Journal « دوره 8، شماره 3
- Determination of vascular endothelial and fibroblast-growth factor receptors in a mouse fibrosarcoma tumor model following photodynamic therapy
Ziolkowski P, Osiecka BJ, Symonowicz K, Chmielewski P, Latos Grazynski L, Bronowicz A - Localization and activity of mouse endometrial Alkaline Phosphatase after hyperstimulation and Progesterone injection at the implantation time
Emadi SM, Saleh Nia M - An assessment of changes in open-field and elevated plus-maze behavior following heat stress in rats
Kumar Sinha R, Kumar Ray A - Screening of soil and sheep faecal samples for predacious fungi: Isolation and characterization of the Nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys Oligospora
Shams Ghahfarokhi M, Razzaghi Abyaneh M, Ranjbar Bahadori Sh, Eslami A, Zare R, Ebrahimi M - The effect of Gnidilatimonoein from Daphne Mucronata on the adhesive property of human platelets
Mian Abadi M, Yazdan Parast R - Antihistaminic effect of Bunium Persicum on guinea pig tracheal chains
Boskabadi MH, Moghaddas A - Effect of activation and inhibition of cellular PKR on Coxsackie virus B3 replication
Zeinoddini M, Hosseini Amini SMS, Maghsoudi N - Modified DNA extraction for rapid PCR detection of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococci
Japoni A, Alborzi AV, Rasouli M, Pour Abbas B